In this project I made a 2D Animation which was to have a story in it. Specifically I made a story about going to the moon.
The first thing that I needed to do was plan the entire story out by story boarding. After doing the storyboarding I drew out the two ships that would be used in the story. When I finished drawing out the ships I used the scanners to scan the images onto the computer, then I used Adobe Photoshop to colour and clean up the scanned in images, I also used Photoshop to make the background images that I used in my animation. After I finished making all the images I needed for the animation I exported them all into Adobe Aftereffects and used it to create all of the animations.
Along the way I used all of the skills I had learned throughout the semester to make the animation. I learned that it's nice to have other people that are working on similar projects that will be there to help, and that being able to use the time I have efficiently is one of the most important skills that is needed.
There are some things that I would do differently. For the most part I would try to use my time better, as I got distracted quite a bit during this project. There are also some parts that I would try to make better and a few more scenes that I would want to add to make the plot easier to understand. Although there are several things I would probably do the same as well, mainly the process that I used to create the animation, as well as most of the ways that I made the actual animation.
From this project I know that one of the most important skills to have is to efficiently manage my time. I need to avoid getting distracted as easily as I did before. Generally the project turned out pretty good, although there are some things that I would want to add and make better. I am pleased for the most part with how this turned out, so here is the finished product: