What is the purpose of wordpress.com & wordpress.org?
Wordpress has two different sites, wordpress.com and wordpress.org. WordPress.com is a fully hosted website, where you simply create the website's design in your web browser. WordPress.org to compare, is a more hands-on, do it yourself system, in which you need to host the website yourself. The advantage of this is you can build your own CSS and PHP files to edit your website more directly.
How did Wordpress originate?
Wordpress was created from the want to create an easy to use personal publishing system based off of PHP and MySQL. It is made in the hopes of focusing on user experience and web standards to create a tool different from anything else.
What is Wordpress based on?
A simple question really, that probably didn't need such a big header. Wordpress is based off of PHP and MySQL. It is also the official successor of a software called b2/cafelog.
What is CMS?
CMS stands for Content Management System. A CMS is a piece of software that allows publishing, editing, and modifying content. It is what allows people to manage their work content, instead of having a massive flowing sea of countless lines of code.
What large, well-known sites use Wordpress as a CMS?
What percent of the top 10 million websites use Wordpress?
Surprisingly, more than 23% of the top 10 million websites uses Wordpress. Amazing isn't it?
Other Commonly used CMS platforms.
Wordpress obviously is not the only CMS. Along with it, there are other popular CMS platforms, for example, a couple of them would be Drupal, and Joomla.
That's all for now, thanks for reading.
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