Before the end of 2nd Semester we were tasked with creating a new logo for ourselves. Though this was a few months ago I still do remember a majority of the details and the process I went through to create my logo. In this blog post I will show you through the process that I went through to create the logo that I ended up using.

In case you had not noticed, the small icon displayed on the tab for my Blog Page (the Favicon), is a small flag. That flag is the flag of the glorious Empire of Matto. Long story short, many years ago I created a fictional alternate reality world where most of the world was ruled by massive nations, each nation was created, ran, and named after me or one of my friends. These nations were basically used to represent conflicts within our inner groups of friends. I took the idea of this and stuck with it, creating a flag for my nation as well as a very detailed history for the nation. The flag you can see is displayed to the right of this paragraph, that flag has been the basis for all other flags that I've made for my great nation, and the colours have been used as a basis for many of the designs for my projects and also for my logo.

The first step to creating our logo was what many would expect, simply brainstorming an idea. It took me a while to get any decent ideas, but eventually some started flowing into my mind. To the left of this paragraph you can see my first primitive sketches. Various ideas sprang to my mind, using the flag to represent the lines across the T's of my name, as well as simply having them be on the tops of the T. Another idea that I rather liked was a tank blasting through a wall with Matto displayed in big letters above the hole blasted by the tank, however that idea would have been very complex and difficult to actually make. After scrawling some ideas onto the piece of paper that I scanned and have displayed on this document, our class as a whole spent a day showing the designs we had come up with and asked the other members of our class what their opinions of the designs as well as for ideas for a logo based off of those that we had already created. On my sketching image, you can see to the bottom left there is another design, simply Matto written in cursive with the Imperial flag hanging off of the tail of the O. That idea is the idea that I based my flag off of for the most part, although there were parts of it that I had changed.

This picture isn't as significant, before making the final draft of my logo before designing it on the computer I wanted to practice writing my name in Cursive script. Considering I hadn't written hardly anything in cursive for several years, I hope one can understand why I had to practice writing my own name in cursive, when it was in a much larger size than that needed to simply sign a small dotted line.

To the right, you can see the final sketch that I made of my logo, before going onto the computer to actually create the logo in Adobe AfterEffects. This was the last hand written thing that I did for the project. From the tail of the O you can see the colours of the Imperial flag fly off into the distance, which I had based somewhat off of the idea of having the flag hang off of the tail of the O. As you can see, my cursive handwriting still isn't very good, even after practicing, but hey, this wasn't simply just writing it, it was writing in very large bubble letters, and that's much more difficult to do.
Finally, now you can see below this paragraph, the final result of my creativity. Once I had the idea solidified in my mind, it was a simple task of going into Adobe AfterEffects and recreating the logo, with a crisp, fine look to it. Personally, I am very satisfied with the end result. The logo is simple, and displays the colours of the Imperial Flag, and pleasant to look at if you ask me.
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